Monday, January 7, 2013

Excavation has begun.

I drove by the land because I had heard that they might start removing trees today or tomorrow and when I saw a dump truck and a loader (? I honestly don't don't know the names of tractors), I got butterflies. I went there just before dusk to capture some photos.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Well there goes all anonymity! I didn't realize it would post my name, oh well. I was just leaving a note of excitement that you have started - baby steps or not. Congrats on the tree removal. I can't wait to see the great pics you will capture of your build too. The photographers eye is so much different than most! Congrats!

  3. Thanks Lisa! I hate when that happens when I comment on stuff! The hardest part of being a photographer doing things like this is that I cannot take *normal* photos...I always have to try to find the best composition. I am sure I will drive everyone crazy!

  4. Ah well, at least a I left off my GW screen name even though you may be able to tell which one I am no one else will.

    Oh no, in a GOOD way - you can TELL if a photographer has taken any pic - even of cut trees! Of course it might help if I could do anything besides point (autofocus)and shoot, lol! I am notorious for catching the pic right after what I was trying to capture...if it's action shots then likely you see the splash from my kiddo jumping off the diving board but not the jump. Sigh. We all have our talents and that is jut not one of mine! I do love looking at others photos though so keep at it!

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